

Stefan Buchenberger

Kanagawa University

Stefan Buchenberger is Professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural Studies of the Kanagawa University in Yokohama/Japan. He earned his Ph.D. in Japanese studies from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich in 2004. At the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) he is co-founder and co-chair of the standing Research Committee on Comics Studies and Graphic Narrative. His other areas of research are mystery fiction, horror movies, intertextuality, and orientalism.


“Comics will rot your brain!”

Maybe but being able to do research on them is the best thing that ever happened to me!

C-S Publications

Work in progress: Volume on visual cultures of embodiment (Palgrave)

The Strange Story of Dr. Bruce Banner and the Incredible Hulk. In: Weile, ohne zu Wohnen Festschrift für Peter Pörtner zu seinem 66.Geburtstag, Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens e.V. Bd. 150. Ed.: Steffen Döll, Marc Nürnberger, Iudicium Verlag: 2020, pp. 427-436.

Vom dünnen Heftchen zum anerkannten literarischen Genre. Zur Entwicklung der Graphic Novel. In: Zwischen Kanon und Unterhaltung/Between Canon and Entertainment, Eds. Annie Bourguignon, Konrad Harrer, Franz Hintereder-Emde, Frank & Timme: 2016: pp.63-70.

Thomas von Steinaeckers Roman „Geister“. Eine Weiterentwicklung der graphic novel? In: Bildlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit in der deutschen Kultur zwischen Barock und Gegenwart. Mit aktuellen Ansätzen aus der Kulturwissenschaft und der Literatur, Studienreihe der Japanischen Gesellschaft für Germanistik, Vol. 105, Ed.: Yuji Nawata, 2015, pp.57-64.

Superman and the Corruption of Power. In: The Ages of Superman: Essays on the Man of Steel in Changing Times, Ed.: Joseph Darowski, McFarland: 2012, pp192-198.

Comic Book Villains and the Loss of Humanity. In: International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 2, no.2, Ed.: John A. Lent. Independent Publication: 2012, pp539-552.

Superman: Red Son. In: Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: Heroes & Superheroes, Ed.: Bart H. Beaty, Stephen Weiner, Salem Press: 2012, pp.573-576.

Hard-Boiled Crime Fiction and Comics. Frank Miller’s Hard Boiled Comic Series Sin City and its Literary Predecessors. In: Beyond Binarisms Crossings and Contaminations: Studies in Comparative Literature, vol. 2, Aeroplano: 2009, pp.192-198.

Graphic Mystery Novels. In: Critical Survey of Mystery and Detective Fiction, Ed.: Carl Rollyson, Salem Press: 2008, pp.2196-2201.

Whatever Happened to the Yellow Peril? Asian Villains in the Age of Political Correctness and Globalization. In: Studies in Foreign Literature, Faculty of Letters, Nara Women’s University, Vol. 27, 2008, pp.113-129.

The Hard-Boiled Ronin. American Comic Book Creator Frank Miller and his Use of Japanese Cultural Stereotypes and the Hard-Boiled Tradition in Mystery Fiction. In: Studies in Foreign Literature, Faculty of Letters, Nara Women’s University, Vol. 26, 2007, pp.95-116.

Japan in American Comics. A Study of Japanese Influences in American Mainstream Comic Books and their Superheroes. In: Journal of Policy & Culture, Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University, Vol.13: 2006, pp.265-272.

Women in American Comic Books. A study of women’s roles in American mainstream comic books. In: Studies in Foreign Literature, Faculty of Letters, Nara Women’s University, Vol 22, 2003, pp. 165-193.

Into C-S

Co-organizer of the Research Committee's panels at the 2010 (Seoul), 2016 (Vienna), and 2019 ICLA Congress.

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