Official programme with sessions and events
Monday, November 11, 2024
Conference Opening (EN, IT)
Alessandro Scarsella, Conference Coordinator for Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Marco Fazzini, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Angelo Piepoli, Conference Coordinator for the ICLA Research Committee on Comics Studies and Graphic Narrative
Nicola Callegaro, Director of Centro Culturale Candiani (presenting the exibition "Invasion")
Opening address (IT)
Pietro Gibellini, Tra parola e immagine, la stagione eroica del fumetto in Italia
Keynote speech - Delphine Gachet: Orwell dal romanzo ai graphic novel: attualità francese di 1984 (IT)
Lunch break
Ca' Dolfin - Aula Magna Silvio Trentin
Italian/Transnational Perspectives on Visual SFF - Session I (Chair: Alessandro Scarsella) (IT)
Ivo Lombardo, Il fantasy nei fumetti Bonelli
Claudio Gnoffo, Abitare la Terra di Mezzo. Dalle principali traduzioni a fumetti alla saga cinematografica di Peter Jackson, l’esperienza del fantastico nella vita quotidiana
Benedetta D’Incau, Ricostruirsi dopo l’apocalisse: cambiamento climatico, società alternative e identità individuali in Soon di Thomas Cadène e Benjamin Adam
Coffee break
Italian/Transnational Perspectives on Visual SFF - II session (Chair: Davide Carnevale) (IT)
Caterina Dacci, La figura dello scienziato a fumetti in Italia dagli anni Dieci agli anni Quaranta del Novecento
Mariangela Lando, La narrazione fantasy: Echi letterari (Calvino e Buzzati) nelle Cronache del Mondo Emerso a fumetti di Licia Troisi
Giorgio Rimondi, Images from a Black Future: visualizzare l'Afrofuturismo
Seminar 03 - Framing Future Wars: SF/F War Comics (Chair: Angelo Piepoli) (EN)
Umberto Rossi, A Twice-Told Invasion: Alan Moore’s retelling of Wells’ The War of the Worlds in The League of the Extraordinary Gentlemen
Ibrahim Alcinkaya, “Slay!”: Killing Zombies as the Normalization of Police Brutality in Malachai Nicolle and Ethan Nicolle’s Axe Cop
Coffee break
Seminar 16 - Graphic Depictions of Post-Apocalyptic Visions (Chair: Umberto Rossi) (EN)
Peter Csató, Post-Apocalyptic Vision in a Post-Communist Landscape: Biopower and Cultural Geography in Tibor Bánóczki and Sarolta Szabó’s White Plastic Sky
Valentina Romanzi, Animals and Care in Post-Apocalyptic Video Games
Cristian Soler, Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Hideo Kojima’s Post-Apocalyptic Videogames
Book presentation: L’impossibile necessario. Hantologia e Afrofuturismo, by Giorgio Rimondi (EN, IT)
Discussants: Daniela Ciani, Nicola Paladin
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Ca' Foscari - Sala Marino Berengo
Seminar 08 - Horror SFF Comics - Session I (Chair: Stefan Buchenberger) (EN)
Michael Fuchs, Horrors of the Deep, Dark Ocean: Confronting Deep Time in MEG: The Graphic Novel
Simona Bartolotta, Who Fears the Sematic Void? Junji Itō and the Horror of Alienated Human Shapes
Stefan Buchenberger, Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done? A biographical graphic novel depicting the true story of one of the most notorious murderers in history: Ed Gein, The Butcher of Plainfield
Coffee break
Seminar 18 - Posthuman, Inhuman, Transhuman (Chair: Barbara Grüning) (EN)
Andrew Erickson and Amadeo Gandolfo, A World of Mutants, For Mutants: Self-governance and Posthumanism in Jonathan Hickman’s X-Men
Shiyu Lei, From Boundaries to the In-Betweens: Hybridity in Luke Pearson’s Hilda Series
Morrissey-Fernández, Trope of the Mad Scientist in Girl Genius
Lunch break
Keynote speech - Paweł Frelik: Everything is Illuminated: Science Fiction’s “Minor” Visualities and the Shape of Things to Come (EN)
Italian/Transnational Perspectives on Visual SFF - Session III (Chair: Angelo Piepoli) (IT)
Alessia Bellettini, Incursioni musicali e dimensione fantastica in Poema a fumetti di Dino Buzzati
Claudia Cerulo and Rodolfo Dal Canto, Architetture di un futuro passato: scorci di utopia nella fantascienza distopica a fumetti
Giorgio Farabegoli, La rivolta dei Racchi: Critica della società contemporanea attraverso un fumetto fantasy
Coffee break
Italian/Transnational Perspectives on Visual SFF - Session IV (Chair: Umberto Rossi) (IT)
Dalila Forni, Oltre la fine: il post-apocalittico nella letteratura a fumetti contemporanea
Roberta Matkovic, La forma al pensiero. L'Incal di Moebius e Jodorowsky
Chiara Protani, Graphic Antigone: Adattare la tragedia classica in fumetti e graphic novels
Lunch Break
Italian/Transnational Perspectives on Visual SFF - Session V (Chair: Umberto Rossi) (IT)
Federica Tortora, Angeli e robot: la figura del bambino nel fumetto di fantascienza tra trasformazioni e ibridazioni
Paolo Prezzavento, Ranxerox: un ammasso di ferraglia con un cuore d’oro
Paolo Massimo Toti, Lupi erbivori. Costruzioni sociali della mascolinità e del conflitto di classe nel fumetto giapponese contemporaneo intertestuali
Coffee break
Italian/Transnational Perspectives on Visual SFF - Session VI (Chair: Davide Carnevale) (IT)
Mirco Zilio, Transmedialità e fumetto. Adattamenti, rimediazioni, riscrittura e altre rivisitazioni
Andrea Artusi, La fantascienza e il fantasy a fumetti in Italia: storia di due generi da inadatti al pubblico italiano a protagonisti del mainstream
Alekos Diacodimitri and Federico Rebecchini, Domu di Katsuhiro Otomo: La Distruzione e Ricostruzione dello Tsutsumi Danchi
Ca' Foscari Zattere (CFZ) - Sala Tesa 1
Seminar 11 - Unframing the Real: Science in SFF Comics - Session I (Chairs: Crys Clitheroe, Anna-Sophie Jürgens) (EN)
Crys Clitheroe, The Nimona film adaptation: A real-time example of the changing popular image of science
Anne-Sophie Jürgens and Dan Santos, Laboratory Life in DC Comics
Coffee break
Seminar 11 - Unframing the Real: Science in SFF Comics - Session II (Chairs: Crys Clitheroe, Anna-Sophie Jürgens) (EN)
Benjamin Nickl, The Spider-verse and Its Inclusive Fantasy of Science
Anna-Sophie Jürgens and Lilia Walsh, In the Beginning There Was Science…
Lunch Break
Seminar 12 - When the Real Collapses: How Fantasy Comics Engage with the Russo-Ukrainian War (Chairs: Alexander James Pollard, SvitlanaStupak) (EN)
Alexander James Pollard, The Meta-Comics Alchemy: Transforming Narratives through Cut-Up, Intuition and Fictioning
Svitlana Stupak, Art-Horror and Fantasy in Postcolonial Ukrainian Comics: How Terror Resurfaces and Monsters Return
Coffee break
Ca' Foscari - Sala Marino Berengo
Memorial Mino Milani - Session I (Chair: Alessandro Scarsella) (IT)
Alessandro Scarsella, Claudio Gallo: Apertura dei lavori/Opening remarks
Giuseppe Polimeni, “Morosini non deve morire”. La sfida della storia raccontata: I quattro di Candia, di Mino Milani
Giovanni Giovannetti, Lo scrittore e la città
Luca Crovi, Un cavaliere libero e selvaggio
Coffee break
Memorial Mino Milani - Session II (Chair: Umberto Rossi) (IT)
Claudio Gnoffo, Mino Milani, l’amore ai tempi della Guerra: Una rilettura di Di amore e di Guerra
Pier Luigi Gaspa, Milani dal Corriere dei Piccoli al Corriere dei ragazzi: Vent’anni di storie a fumetti e non solo
Author event: Fantasmi albanesi, with Mustafaj Besnik (IT)
Discussant: Alessandro Scarsella
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Ca' Foscari - Sala Marino Berengo
Seminar 15 - From Word to Image and Back: SFF and Transmediality (Chair: Umberto Rossi) (EN)
Yara Dos Santos Augusto Silva, Fantastic Element and Creative Transcreation Process in Gioconda, a Graphic Novel by Felipe Pan, Olavo Costa and Mariane Gusmão
Yamina Hafian, The Portrayal of Enslaved Woman in Octavia Butler’s Kindred and its Graphic Adaptation by Damian Duffy and John Jennings
Alan Rankin, Dream Corridors and Chocolate Alphabets: Harlan Ellison and the Comics
Coffee break
Seminar 17 - Comics and God(s) (Chair: Takayuki Yokota-Murakami) (EN)
Cat Ashton, “Nobody Else Can Help You”: The Paranoid Parallel World of Chick Tracts
Tianjie Yin, Integrating the Chinese Daoist Thunder Gods as Key Characters (Superheroes) in Video Game narrative Design: A Study of Narrative Innovation and Cultural Hybridity
Takayuki Yokota-Murakami, Significance of Christianity in the Oedipal Structure of Japanese SF Fantasies: Devilman and Neon Genesis Evangelion
Keynote speech - Ana Merino: Between Science Fiction and Fantasy: Spanish Voices and Their Creative Power (EN)
Seminar 10 - Speculative Histories of Race and Comics Remediation - Session I (Chair: Qiana Whitted) (EN)
Elisha Schuett, Decolonizing The Sandman: The House of Whispers, Nalo Hopkinson, and the Remediation of Colonial Perspectives in Neil Gaiman’s Work
Frances Gateward, Close Encounters of a Different Kind: Betty, Barney, and the Blue Book
Coffee break
Seminar 10 - Speculative Histories of Race and Comics Remediation - Session II (Chair: Qiana Whitted) (EN)
Qiana Whitted, Mapping Black Futures in the Comics of Lovecraft Country
Grace D. Gipson, Who Gets To Save The World? Navigating Black Girlhood in Naomi from Comics to Screen
Joel Thurman, Achieving Symbiosis with AI: How Cyborg and Blue Beetle alter the “orphan” narrative
Keynote speech - Joanna Davis-McElligatt: The Flying Africans: Fugitivity and Resistance in Black Comics (EN)
Lunch Break
Seminar 02 - Gender in Science Fiction Comics and Graphic Novels - Session I: Queer Embodiment, Queering Superheroes (Chair: Jane Tolmie) (EN)
Anna Oleszczuk, The Limits of Gender in ODY-C by Matt Fraction and Christian Ward
Elise Sandbach, A critical discussion on using queer theory to discuss race and gender within the Ms Marvel comics
Eric Maigret, Jack Kirby: the tormented power of (in)subordinate masculinity
Coffee break
Seminar 02 - Gender in Science Fiction Comics and Graphic Novels - Session II: Situating Tillie Walden (Chair: Alison Halsall) (EN)
Lisa DeTora, Rupturing the frame: Nonbinary identification in two speculative graphic narratives
Shiamin Kwa, All in Her Head: Time Travel, Autofiction, and Comics by Tillie Walden and Julie Doucet
Ca' Foscari Zattere (CFZ) - Sala Tesa 1
Seminar 01 - Comics Multiverses (Chair: David Coughlan) (EN)
James Macaronas, “I feel! I anger! I fight!”: Exclaiming the human in Jack Kirby’s The New Gods
Adnan Mahmutovic, Marvel Multiverses and the Universal World
Mariano Paz, The Multiverse in 21st Century Argentinean Comics: Utopia, Dystopia and Uchronia
David Coughlan, Comics Multiverses and Infinite Adaptations
Coffee break
Seminar 08 - Horror SFF Comics - Session II (Chair: Stefan Buchenberger) (EN, ES)
Martha Kuhlman, Our Monsters, Ourselves: The Sisters Dietl
Marco Petrelli,
Strange Fruit: Conjuring a Future out of the Darkness in Bitter Root’s
Harlem Renaissance
Enrique Pérez-Plá Villuendas, La reescritura de la materia fáustica en Candiweb (2021), de la serie Dylan Dog: marketing y tecnología mefistofélica en una distopía digital
Lunch Break
Seminar 10 - Speculative Histories of Race and Comics Remediation Session III (Chair: Qiana Whitted) (EN)
Kiana Murphy, Adapting the Temporality of Empathy in Octavia Butler’s Novels
Jonathan W. Gray, The Consciousness of Freedom: D’Salete’s Run for It and Butler’s Kindred
Ca' Dolfin - Aula Magna Silvio Trentin
Memorial Mino Milani - Session III: Il narratore (Chair: Davide Carnevale) (IT)
Alessandro Scarsella, La realtà romanzesca
Mariangela Lando, Le donne di Mino Milani
Fabrizio Foni, Il Maestro e il revival occulto
Coffee break
Memorial Mino Milani - Session IV (Chair: Angelo Piepoli) (IT)
Fabio Camilletti, Milani e Matheson: tra Fantasma d’amore (1977) e Bid Time Return (1975)
Laura Scarpa, Lo scrittore/sceneggiatore Milani (e i suoi irrinunciabili illustratori e disegnatori)
Invasion (exibition's presentation): Dalla Laguna al Cosmo. Costruzione di un percorso espositivo sulla fantascienza italiana, with Nicola Callegaro (Centro Culturale Candiani) (IT)
Discussants: Alessandro Scarsella, Angelo Piepoli
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Morning activities
Ca' Foscari - Sala Marino Berengo
Seminar 05 - Beyond the Frame: Perspectives of Comics Studies on SFF - Session I (Chair: Angelo Piepoli) (EN)
Juan Manuel Díaz de la Torre, Towards a general narratology of a graphic narrative’s postmodern aesthetics: a paradigmatic approach
Barbara M. Eggert, Genre Oscillations: Reflections On Peter Mennigen’s Genre-Bending Vanessa Series and Its Echoes In Fan Art
Sophie Sandler and Adam Weiss, Deadpool Under the Umbrella of Graphic Medicine
Kai Mikkonen, The Meta-Comic Portal in Fred’s Philémon and the Leap of Fantasy
Coffee break
Palazzo Cosulich - Sala Conferenze
Seminar 07 - The Weird Western in Transnational Comics (Chair: Marek Paryż) (EN)
Elisha Schuett, Moving East of the Weird Western: Remapping American Identities and Histories in Hickman and Dragotta’s East of West
Anna Marta Marini, Border-Crossing, Hybridity, and Ethnoracial Contamination in The Lone Ranger and Tonto
Marek Paryż, The Weird Western in Polish Comics
Seminar 02 - Gender in Science Fiction Comics and Graphic Novels - Session III: Gender Representation and/in Science Fiction (Chair: Lisa DeTora) (EN)
Barbara Grüning, From Necron to Lilith: deconstructing gender stereotypes in Italian SF-comics
Abhirami Prasanth, Exploring Gender Representation in Graphic Science Fiction: A Study of Vandana Singh’s Yakshantriksh.
Joseph Williams, No Boundaries: Contrasting Depictions of Gender across Borders
Coffee break
Seminar 02 - Gender in Science Fiction Comics and Graphic Novels - Session IV: SciFi and Queerness (Chair: Shiamin Kwa) (EN)
Alison Halsall, Star Portals and Interdimensional Space Travel: America Chavez as Feminist Icon
Yuval Koren and Priel Cohanim, Polyphony and Non-Binary Identity in Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist
Jane Tolmie, Framing Penny Rolle: screens, mirrors, and expectations in Bitch Planet
Ca' Foscari Zattere (CFZ) - Sala Tesa1
Seminar 14 (Roundtable) - Race, Class, Gender, and the Environment in Latin American Science Fiction Comics (Chair: Maria Fernanda Díaz-Basteris) (ES)
Felipe Gómez Gutiérrez, Unraveling Monstrous Realities and Survival Strategies: Gender, Environmental, and Posthuman Perspectives in Dengue (2012)
Guillermo Andrés Gonzalez, The Extractivism in Posthuman Imaginaries: Gender and Ethnicity in El ultimo detective (2022) and Colts (2022)
Ivan Lima Gomes, Health Crisis, Post-Humanism, and Intersectionalities of Gender and Race in Brazilian Comics: Notes on Magda by Rafael Campos Rocha
Javiera Irribarren Ortiz, Environmental Fictions: A Brief Panorama in Argentine Comics
Beatriz Ferraro Barcella, Social and Technological Borders of a Future Brazil: Traits of “Tupinipunk” Sci-Fi in the Animated Movie Uma História de Amor e Fúria
Camila Núñez-Bergsneider, Emús en la zona and the Politics of Colombian Time Travel
Coffee break
Seminar 05 - Beyond the Frame: Perspectives of Comics Studies on SFF - Session II (Chair: Kai Mikkonen) (EN)
Jessika Sundin, Frames of the Unreal World: Exploring Critical Tools for Analysing Representations of Fantasy Comic Worlds
Petros Tsakaliadis, Parallel visions of the fantastic in francophone Bandes dessinées and Japanese manga (1970 – 2020)
Maheen Ahmed, Childish Imagination and the Contemporary Graphic Novel: Styles, Materialities, and Logics
Keynote speech - Scott Bukatman: “Help Me To Enter YOUR World!”: Ekphrasis, Wonder, and Jack Kirby
Friday, November 15, 2024
Palazzo Cosulich - Sala Conferenze
Seminar 15 - From Word to Image and Back: SFF and Transmediality - Session I (Chair: Tracy Lassiter) (EN)
Nieves Rosendo Sánchez, Halo and Dead Space: Comics as Nodes in Transmedia Narratives of Science Fiction Video Games
Tracy Lassiter, World Enough and Time: Explorations of Time Travel and Intermediality in Papergirls and Umbrella Academy
Daniel Koechlin, ‘This Time We Take the Engine!’: A Marxist Analysis of the Adaptation of the Graphic Novel Le Transperceneige in the Snowpiercer movie and series
Coffee break
Seminar 15 - From Word to Image and Back: SFF and Transmediality - Session II (Chair: Tracy Lassiter) (EN)
Jindřich Pastorek, In Folklore We Flourish: The Supernatural Experience as a Preservative Strategy in the Graphic Novel Adaptation (2021) of the Weird Short Story The Inhabitant of the Lake (1964)
Elizabeth Allyn Woock, Possessing and staging the comics world
Alfredo Suppia and Jane De Almeida, They've come to stay: Henrique Alvim Corrêa's contribution to the iconography of science fiction as a 20th-century mass genre
Keynote speech - Noriko Hiraishi: Girls, Space, and Science Fiction Comics: Their Potential to Challenge Gender Issues
Lunch break
Seminar 06 - The Theme of the Invasion in Fantastic, Fantasy and Science-Fiction Comics - Session I (Chair: Davide Carnevale) (EN)
Aldo Baratta, «On the other side of the sea are enemies»: A Narratological Reading of the Enemy in Shingeki no Kyojin
Marco Malvestio, The Myth of Lovecraft. HPL as a Character in Comics
Coffee break
Seminar 06 - The Theme of the Invasion in Fantastic, Fantasy and Science-Fiction Comics - Session II (Chair: Davide Carnevale) (IT, EN)
Davide Carnevale, La rappresentazione dell'invasione fantastica nel fumetto
Tom Sewel, Broken Heroes and Strange Bodies: A Science-Fictional Invasion
Seminar 09 - Nightmares from the Past, Visions of the Future: Alternative Futurism & Comics (Chairs: Mattia Arioli, Chiara Patrizi) (EN)
Zak Waipara, The Past is the Future: Indigenous Futurism and Māori conceptions of time
Soonbae Kim, Korean Futurism in HongJacga’s Webtoon Seungriho
Mattia Arioli, ‘Native Slipstream’ in Stephen Graham Jones’ comic book series Earthdivers
Chiara Patrizi, Visualizing Black (Her)stories: Graphic Novel Adaptations of Octavia Butler’s Works
Beatriz Ferraro Barcella, Social and Technological Borders of a Future Brazil: Traits of “Tupinipunk” Sci-Fi in the Animated Movie Uma História de Amor e Fúria (Presentation)
Coffee break
Seminar 04 - El Eternauta, the Masterpiece of Argentine Comics - Session I (Chair: Francisco Saez de Adana) (ES)
Joan Miquel Rovira Collado, El Eternauta y el héroe colectivo
Ivan Pintor Iranzo, El Eternauta: la melancolía política del viajero en el tiempo
Lunch Break
Seminar 04 - El Eternauta, the Masterpiece of Argentine Comics - Session II (Chair: Angelo Piepoli) (ES)
Francisco Saez de Adana, Ampo: Una revisión de El Eternauta a través del arte contemporáneo
Pablo Sapia, El Eternauta: Oesterheld y la metáfora de la invasión extraterrestre, en sus historietas de ciencia ficción
Nicolás Zukerfeld, Expandiendo la mancha: algunas ideas en torno a Desde hoy: El Eternauta de Un Faulduo
Ca' Foscari Zattere (CFZ) - Sala Tesa1
Seminar 13 - The Future of the Past: Nostalgia and Speculative Comics General Introduction - Session I (Chair: Kathleen McClancy) (EN)
Sydney Heifler, Looking Back in Love: Timely’s Venus and True Love as a Tool of Nostalgia
Amy DeSuza-Riehm, Live, Laugh, Die Repeatedly: How Time and Space Warp Nostalgia in Love Everlasting
Rebecca Wanzo, My Favorite Thing is Monsters, Disidentification, and Horror
Coffee break
Seminar 13 - The Future of the Past: Nostalgia and Speculative Comics General Introduction - Session II (Chair: Kathleen McClancy) (EN)
Giorgio Busi Rizzi, The discreet charm of Italian retrofuturism: comics, science fiction, and the past
Kathleen McClancy, The Nostalgia (Bi)Cycle: From Form to Genre on Two Wheels in Paper Girls
Lunch Break
Seminar 15 - From Word to Image and Back: SFF and Transmediality - Session III (Chair: Tracy Lassiter) (EN)
Genesis Hepburn and Taura Napier, Entering the Whirlpool: Modernist Precursors of Contemporary Artificial-Intelligence Narratives
Ritesh Khandelwal, Spinning a Worldwide Web: Sam Raimi's Spider-Man at the Intersection of Vernacular Modernism and Affective Engagement
Guilherme Couto Pereira, What do I do with the chorus? The representation of music in graphic narratives
Sarah Sackville-McLauchlan, Paper Faces On Parade: What Happens When Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Musical of The Phantom Of The Opera Becomes A Graphic Novel?
ICLA Research Commitee on Comics Studies and Graphic Narrative (2024)