

Visual Depictions of the American West

Ca' Foscari University of Venice, 13-17 September 2021


Open until

August 2nd, 2021. 

Registration for the conference was open to admitted participants from April 29th to August 2nd, 2021 and took place according to the schedule and fees indicated below.

Since the conference will be held in dual mode, a combination of in-person and online attendance, the registration fees differ according to the participation option chosen. It provides a payment structure that allows an attendant to pay the difference (the “integrative fee”) in registration fees should they decide to shift from online to in-presence participation. The full in-person registration fee includes access to all Conference sessions, the Conference kit, a certificate of participation, presenters’ paper inclusion in the official proceedings, coffee breaks, and the Conference dinner. Online attendance fees include online access to all Conference sessions, presenters’ paper inclusion in the official proceedings, and a certificate of participation.

Reduced registration fees are provided for non-faculty members, graduate students, accompanying persons, retired academics and independent scholars.

The registration procedure was articulated as follows:




Early bird registration was open until June 7th, 2021.

Early bird fees are:

Early bird On-line participation In-presence attendance Integrative fee
Regular registration EUR 50 EUR 100 EUR 50
Reduced registration* EUR 35 EUR 70 EUR 35

* Reserved to non-faculty members, graduate students, accompanying persons, retired academics and independent scholars.

Payment of the early bird fee (by June 7th, 2021) entitled the online attendant who wished to shift to in-presence to pay the corresponding
integrative fee, indicated above, no later than August 16th, 2021. Participants were encouraged to submit their registration fees via electronic method (see below), as cash payment of the integrative fee, paid when registering onsite, would necessitate a surcharge of EUR 15 (regular registration)/EUR 10 (reduced registration) in order to offset university administrative expenses.




Late registration was open from June 8th, 2021 to August 2nd, 2021.

Late registration fees are:

Late registration On-line participation In-presence attendance Integrative fee
Regular registration EUR 65 EUR 130 EUR 65
Reduced registration* EUR 45 EUR 90 EUR 45

* Reserved to non-faculty members, graduate students, accompanying persons, retired academics and independent scholars.

Payment of the late registration fee (by August 2nd, 2021) entitled the online attendant who wished to shift to in-presence to pay the corresponding integrative fee indicated above, no later than August 16th, 2021. Again, participants were encouraged to submit their registration fees via electronic method (see below), as cash payment of the integrative fee, paid when registering onsite, would necessitate a surcharge of EUR 15 (regular registration)/EUR 10 (reduced registration) in order to offset university administrative expenses.


Cancellation Policy:

  • For cancellations received by August 16th, 2021, 100% of the registration fee will be refunded, less an administration fee of EUR 25. If the registration was paid through PayPal, also see here.

  • For cancellations after August 16th, 2021 or no shows, no refunds will be available.

  • All refunds will be issued after the Conference.

For further payment details, accepted participants must refer to the relevant communication on the registration procedure they have been sent.





Only payment of the relevant On-line participation/In-presence attendance fee entitles participants to be included in the Official Conference Programme.

Participants are kindly requested to send notification of payment to venicewestconference@gmail.com and copy in the Conference Coordinator alescarsella@unive.it .

Receipt of payment will be notified by the Organizing Committee in the manner indicated in the communication on the registration procedure sent to all participants.


©2021 by Visual Depictions of the American West. Created by Angelo Piepoli

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